
How do I find a rural house in North of Spain?

2019-09-14T17:15:10+01:00By |Categories: Rural Houses|Tags: , , , , , |

How do I find a rural house? We all have this experience: We are looking for a rural house to spend our vacations or a weekend and we start to plan. Where do I find the best house? The offers are endless and there are all kinds of accommodations and internet portals that offer them: [...]

The best beaches for children between Llanes and San Vicente de la Barquera.

2019-09-14T17:17:26+01:00By |Categories: Beaches, With children|Tags: , , , , , , |

The best beaches for children between Llanes and San Vicente de la Barquera. We probably all agree that going to the beach on your own or with your partner ist quite a different thing than  going with your children. I’ve always lived close to the sea and as the years go by I enjoy it [...]

Path in Cantabria, San Vicente de la Barquera, Prellezo.

2019-09-14T17:24:42+01:00By |Categories: trekking, With children|Tags: , , , , |

Path in Cantabria, Prellezo, San Vicente de la Barquera. Easy walking itinerary with children.  The proposed walk is a coastal round path that can be done with children. In Prellezo, 3 km far from San Vicente de la Barquera, Cantabria. It’s a not very known walking track which we did with the girls during the [...]

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