by bike

Easy walk near Llanes to the source of the river Purón, Asturias.

2019-09-14T17:12:16+01:00By |Categories: trekking, With children|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Easy walk near Llanes to the source of the river Purón, Asturias. This walk is easy to access and near Llanes. It’s a good choice for a walk during which you enjoy the surroundings without big efforts. The route is practically even until you reach the source of the river Purón. It’s situated between our houses [...]

Coastal path in Llanes, Asturias, by foot or bike.

2019-09-14T17:31:48+01:00By |Categories: Beaches, trekking, With children|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Coastal path, from Llanes to Borizu's Beach Coastal path signs, Llanes - Celorio Along the Eastern Asturian coast leads a track that can be done by foot or by bike. The track starts in the village Bustio, near the border with Cantabria and takes you to Guadamia. Approximately 65 km of landscape, beaches [...]

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